Sunday, January 6, 2008

After busy, busy week

The end of week of 2007 was party week for me.

I love working but I couldn't complete the start.
Because as soon as the party week was over, I've got sick. Probably the sick from the week just I didn't realize.

This cold(or flu?) was terrible and I couldn't get out from my bet for two days and my throat gets dry, coughing so much!

Now it getting better but still I have coughs.

Once my health condition was down, I realize how important healthy life style is.

So today I made tidy up our rooms, my work space and finished laundry.

Well it remind me a Japanese tradition called "oosouji" which is Big tidy up day in the end of year.

The end of year and new year day is special days for Japanese.

31st Dec is "closing a year"day, 1st January is like "opening a door for new year" day.

So they make their houses and rooms clean and tidy for ready to new year.

Well hope my cough will be getting better tomorrow..

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