Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Old recipe

I tried a recipe from 1898s cookbook, I bought it at a heritage bazaar few weeks ago.
I made 'brown stew of beef', it is quite simple recipe, describe well about ingredients and method, was taste classy.
I might add more color for the base but still tasted good!

I checked it out about the author's books on ebay and found some books are collectible.
The book is like all about in between cooking and house keeping,season of ingredients to how to serve the meals, even about the timings to serve. I didn't follow the timing etc, since it is for myself but would be nice to know for parties,I guess?

Since I was a child, I like to look at dictionaries or reference books.
I felt similar sensation when I look at the cookbook.
I can know how old time families lived through the book, even I don't have north american grandma!

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