Friday, December 23, 2011

Frosted window- my mini show has been extended

My mini - show, Frosted window is ongoing now - 
it has been extended till late December.
It is at a French style cafe, Coco et olive on Main street.
Their space is filled with cool + rustic interiors and arts.
Foods and treats are really good, I'll recommend to try their quiche.
Anyways, don't miss to try my hats too!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Almost christmas!

The town smells like Christmas trees - 
I love the green, woody smell.
Now still I've been busy for is most exciting time of the year.

Last week, I was in the One of a kind show and it was fun as last year.

 My booth at the show
My friend, she looks dolly with the hat!
My Cap-puchino hat.